Why not to be a blogger

Good afternoon, evening or night to everyone reading this article!

You won’t surprise anyone with making money on the Internet. Even schoolchildren are already making a profit from there. Someone has enough for beer, someone wants to earn bread and butter …

And many start out with blogging. They create blogs (most often about making money, since they don’t understand anything else), and sell links from them (and sometimes their services). And because of this, they proudly call themselves bloggers. And if 5 years ago a person could be surprised by the very word “blogger”, now it is problematic. Here, almost every second person keeps their own “diary”.

But sometimes blogs just get bored … Both other people and their owners. This is what I would like to talk about today.

I would like to tell you some reasons why you should not blog and be a blogger in general. Naturally, I am not telling you to quit everything (which may seem quite logical after reading the article), but understand: blogging is not suitable for everyone, so think about some theses

And we start. The reasons, by the way, I took not “from the ceiling”, but from my experience, because I have been blogging for more than 3 years, and I will tell you that I faced many negative moments that prompted me “once and for all” quit this business. I don’t know why I didn’t do it

These theses will also be useful to those who do not have a blog at all. After all, they represent bloggers lying somewhere on the ocean, drinking a cocktail and simultaneously pinching several girls. And all is far from so (I do not understand where this image came from)! With today’s article, I will try to “drive you into the mud” of the reality that, one way or another, any blogger will have.

Why not blogging and blogging at all?

In fact, there are many reasons, and below I will try to indicate the most basic of them. If you know any more, then tell me, I think it will be interesting to everyone. So, in fact, they are:

• Most of your audience are ungrateful people. Sadly, but it is so. I have seen this situation more than once: you work, you work out in posts, and at the exit you get a “donut hole”. There is something similar to the profession of a teacher: he seems to be explaining everything to children, “going out of his way,” but there is no return. If at least one student from the class is trying somehow, then that is very good. Coming back to blogging, this is due to the fact that the majority of the audience give a deep shit about the author of the blog. Of course, it’s nice if there are several good people in all this, but this is not always the case. Therefore, if you decide to blog, be prepared for this moment.

• You will waste your time writing posts that no one needs. This is a bit related to the previous point. I often observed such a situation on myself: you write a post, spend 5 hours on it, simultaneously saying to yourself: “Well, that’s it, Dimon, this one will shoot! “, And at the exit – n-and-w-e-g-o. And it seems that the topic is interesting, and the facts are well chosen, but everything does not “shoot”. And the time is wasted. And imagine that this is being done for more than one month? I think they caught the meaning. By the way, for this reason I “scored” on my blog about earnings and started writing similar information here. Here, the audience is larger, and the pay is better.

• For the sake of money, you will try to “lick the ass” of advertisers. Not the fact that this will happen to you, but still. Sooner or later, you will simply get tired of blogging without any material support. Yes, yes, you will want money! And that’s okay. But only here there is a “minor” nuance: few people want to place their ads with “green” bloggers, so you will have to compromise with your conscience and your audience, “adjusting” to the requirements of the advertiser. And it’s good if they are adequate and his offer (advertising proposal) fits very well and harmoniously into the concept of the project. And it happens that everything is not so. Therefore, as a blogger, you sometimes have to “lick the ass” of your advertisers, keep that in mind!

• Not the fact that you will earn anything at all. Most of them come to blogging to make money (let’s be honest: everyone here). So, understand that not everyone can make money here (I mean more or less substantial money) (more precisely, almost no one), so keep this in mind. Naturally, if you are a specialist in some industry, then the chances of getting something in cash increase, but are you? Is not a fact. After all, if you do not have any deep knowledge on a specific subject, then it is better to try something else (the projects “everything about everything” are of little interest to anyone). Fortunately, the Internet gives us a lot of earning opportunities. On blogs, the light did not converge like a wedge, believe me! Try something different!

• You will need to constantly evolve. This is also an important reason.

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