Mobile Game Ads Meme

Whether you’re trying to play a game on your phone or just browse good old Youtube, you’ve probably been inundated with really weird mobile ads. While it’s unclear who approved the following animations to bring into production, we’re grateful to the ShittyMobileGameAds subreddit for recording these cursed images for all eyes to see. Here are 10 of our favorites.

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A meme is any idea, symbol, manner or manner of action, consciously or unconsciously transmitted from person to person through speech, writing, video, rituals, gestures, etc. The term “meme” and its understanding were introduced by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in 1976 year in The Selfish Gene.

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Oh Man, Not The Real True!

Dawkins proposed the idea that all information relevant to culture consists of basic units – memes, just as biological information consists of genes.

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What In The Hell

There is a whole science called memetics, this is nothing more than the study of memes, only not in terms of the direct study of pictures and other things, but the study of transmitted information and emotions.

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What A Plot Twist

So what is a meme in widespread use today? In simple terms, these are emotions transmitted over the network. For example, you have a good mood and a surge of feelings, you came across a corresponding image, you made a certain postscript to it and sent it to your loved one. T

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Sorry, I Don’t Care For Centaurs

Еhe recipient of your message receives not just some information, but he receives a part of your emotions. That is, memes are the transmission of emotions. To complete the transfer of emotions, there are so-called memes. As a rule, they consist of an image and a corresponding inscription.

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Ah Yes, The Ancient Civilization Known As The United States

The transfer of such information is focused mainly on a wide range of people. It is transmitted through social networks, placed on the pages of the site, serves to enhance, impart emotional coloring, etc.
picture with a magic cat, which became popular in the middle of 2016. A popular Russian-language Internet meme, where a picture of a cat in a magic cap is supplemented with a magic wand and colored stains, and at the bottom there is a “witty” signature in the spirit of “Vzhuh! and the crisis is over in Russia ”.

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My Choices Will Take Me To Throwing My Phone Out

The very word “vzhuh”, as you might have guessed, depicts the sound of the waving of a kitten’s magic wand.
You can’t just take and … (One does not simply walk into Mordor) – a meme with Boromir from “The Lord of the Rings”, who says: “You can’t just take and …” It all started with an episode from the first part of the trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” 2001 of the year.

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No, Thank You For This Eyesore

In this episode, Sean Bean’s character Boromir is in dialogue with Elrond, who admonishes the Fellowship of the Ring and asks someone to carry the ring of omnipotence into the depths of Mordor.

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Photo of a plywood door that resembles someone’s funny face. this is one of the most popular memes of 2016. The word itself is a twisted hello. This word is used to sign various pictures with an unexpected twist. Initially, the signatures “gratuti and dotvidani” appeared under the picture with a plywood door, where the arrangement of the knots resembled the face of a funny animal.

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We suggest not to create such ads for your mobile game.. unless you want to be showcased in our next list. Better find a good game development agency for your project.

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