All about eyebrows: what shape, width, volume and color are in trend now

Eyebrows are an important part of any makeup. You can forget to put on your eyelashes, but not your eyebrows, otherwise your face will look flat and colorless. That is why eyebrow makeup has become an indispensable step in the daily beauty ritual. But the difficulty is that every year new brow trends come to the fore: some take root, others do not. has figured out which eyebrows are considered the best – more precisely, ideal in 2021.

Eyebrows: fashion trends of 2021

The natural shape of the eyebrows is still in the top. Some makeup artists joke that after the pandemic, eyebrows were finally allowed to grow the way they want. And there is some truth in this, since eyebrows are advised not to radically change the shape and color of the eyebrows, but only to emphasize their natural beauty. If at the same time the hairs will be knocked out, and not all lie in one direction, there is nothing catastrophic in this. And if you want to smooth or finish them, you can always use a pencil, gel or other eyebrow products.

Eyebrow Makeup

Recall that in 2021, natural looks are at the height of fashion, such as makeup without makeup, or, as it is also called, #nomakeup. In this case, the eyebrows are not painted over or darkened, but only combed with a brush and fixed with gel.

Wide eyebrows makeup, which has been popular for several years, do not give up their positions either. But the average width of the eyebrows has been added to them in the company – this is something between very wide eyebrows and “strings”. If you are growing your eyebrows now and cannot boast of wide, thick ones, a life hack will help to correct the situation: comb your eyebrows diagonally – this will visually make them wider, but everything will look as natural as possible.

Instead of the check mark eyebrows, which instantly turn even the cutest face into a stern and formidable one, there are eyebrow arches with a soft bend. By the way, it is very easy to switch from one form (checkboxes) to another (arcs) in a couple of months. It will be more difficult to become the owner of straight eyebrows – they, by the way, are also considered fashionable. This trend came to us from Asia, where straight eyebrows are the norm for girls. Do not be afraid of this form, it is ideal for girls with sharp facial features, as it will soften their image.

What color should the eyebrows be?

Ideal eyebrows are those that are darker or lighter than the bulk of the hair by one or two tones. But this rule is often neglected, giving preference to black graphic eyebrow makeup kit (by the way, they have also sunk into oblivion) ​​- bleached blondes are especially fond of them, but such a contrast does not decorate them at all. Therefore, try to still follow this rule. And if you want to add saturation to the eyebrows, use the technique of soft toning: just work on the eyebrows with shadows or a pencil a tone or two darker than the main hair color.

In addition, partially or completely bleached eeyebrow make up is in fashion – they look as harmonious as possible on blondes. By the way, this trend has taken root not only on the catwalks, but also in everyday life. Bleached eyebrows are a great option if you want to forget about tweezers and let them grow back in peace. For brunettes and brown-haired women, this method takes place, but the eyebrows will have to be discolored constantly.

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